  • rail trail accommodation01
  • rail trail accommodation52
  • Pitches Store 1
  • Pitches Store 5
  • Pitches store 4

Project Data

Location: Ophir

Pitches Store

The owners vision was to create a food and accommodation business that would

breath new life into a building that had suffered a century of abuse and neglect. It was a

heart over head decision and the owners were well aware that it would be hard work.

They are passionate about the district and the architectural qualities of this little town.

The building was a protected building which meant as much as possible of the

original must be retained.


The strategy was to rebuild the roof in the original form and restore the street

views of the building to its 1880’s appearance. In order to provide the necessary floor

area for the enterprise, some of the volume created by the replacement roof was used for

bedrooms. In addition a lean-to form away from the street provided the extra floor area

required so that the finished building would be large enough for 6 suites plus restaurant.


The original stone was sympathetically refurbished in a way that

has avoided an over restored too perfect look. This building has been brought back from the brink and its future is secure for another hundred years.


The attention to what sits well with the original fabric can be the making of

projects like these. It’s part of the kiwi tradition that you don’t throw things away and

people respond positively to the commitment the owners have shown to the building and

the district.
